Wild Rice Stuffed Squash


Food Medicine


3 cups wild rice

2 cups whole dried cranberries

1 winter squash, cut in half, seeded, and roasted

1 tablespoon salt

2 tsp pepper

5 tablespoons oil


½ cup olive oil

½ cup maple vinegar or apple cider vinegar

3 tablespoons maple syrup

4 tablespoons chokecherry syrup

Salt and pepper to taste

In a large pot add the wild rice and 6 cups of water, cover and cook over medium heat until it comes to a boil then reduce the heat to low and cook until all the water is gone and the rice is tender. Add the dried cranberries, 3 tablespoons of oil, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp pepper, and cover and set aside.


In a mason jar combine all the vinaigrette ingredients and shake until smooth and blended. 

Take each squash half and scrape and mash into the bottom, season each half with ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp pepper, and 1 tablespoon oil per half.

Fill both halves of squash with the wild rice, drizzle with vinaigrette and serve. Enjoy!

Cooks Notes:

Use a winter squash that has a pretty hard, thick skin so it does not collapse. I used an heirloom Tesuque Pueblo Winter Squash that my family grew this season. Other winter squash varieties that work well for this are acorn squash, sugar pumpkins, and Delicata squash.  I roasted the squash at 350F facedown in a shallow pan with a bit of water to keep the flesh moist.  

Feel free to add different seasoning to the rice!

If you don’t have wild rice you can also use white or brown rice.

This is delicious when topped with toasted pepitas!


Maizie Hellegers