Reclaim Sacred Self: Relearn Anatomy and Cycles

Land, Water, Dignity

My Anatomy is Sacred. Together we can [Re]claim the Sacredness of our Bodies by [Re]learning our Anatomy and Cycles


“She planned that it would be hard for men and women, once attached, to separate again. She decided that both men and women should have medicine to attract each other. Then she a penis of turquoise. She rubbed loose cuticle [epidermal substance] from the man’s breast. This she mixed with yucca fruit. She made a clitoris of red shell and put it inside the vagina. She rubbed loose cuticle from a women’s breast and mixed it with yucca fruit. She put that inside the turquoise penis. She combined herbs and waters of various kinds which should be for producing pregnancy. She placed the vagina on the ground and beside it the penis. Then she blew medicine from her mouth on them.”



My Body, My Territory


Indigenous bodies have been determined and regulated by western education since the colonization of Turtle Island. Our Sacred Anatomy has been influenced by patriarchy and systems of oppression for over 500 years. It is a direct threat to our bodies and the land if we continue to uphold the displacement of our Sacred Self and Cycles

Colonialism and patriarchy have been able to persuade and dominate how to think about our bodies. We are told what to name our bodies, how our bodies work, and what to do with our bodies. For instance the so-called fallopian tube is named after the 16th century Italian anatomist Gabriele Falloppio. The story is he "discovered" the so-called fallopian tube and named it so because he thought it resembled a tube. Just like Christopher Columbus, Gabriele Falloppio is a participant of justifying a patriarchal legacy of discovery. 

We are told that our wombs are sexual objects made for pleasure and to have babies. Our wombs are so much more than that. Our wombs carry the strength and wisdom of our ancestors. Each and everyone us was literally carried in our great, great, great grandmothers womb. We are infused with the knowledge and endurance or our grandmother this is a gift to us, we must protect it.

As Indigenous peoples we have our own ways to identify our bodies.


My Cycle, My Moon


New Moon is the beginning of the moon cycle. The moon is completely dark. This is the resting point during the moon. It is the lowest point of energy and just about to increase. Mynstruation is the cycle connected to the new moon. Mynstruation happens during the first week of your monthly cycle. It is when the contents and lining of your uterus is discharged. During this time the follicles, or eggs begin to grow in our ovaries. The new moon provides us a fresh start allowing us to let go and release. This is the time to set new goals and plans for yourself. Rest is required to recharge your body for the month to come. The more you rest now the more energy you’ll have for the rest of the month. The resting point of our cycle is like being a new born baby that sleeps all the time or like a grandmother at the end of their life. This is a time of reflection, wisdom and closeness to the spirit world. It is time to care for ones’ self rather than others.

 First Quarter Moon is when the moon is half full. It is the 2nd phase of the moon. It occurs about several days after the new moon. The energy is growing at this point in the cycle that includes any goals you may have set for yourself during the new moon. It is time to overcome any challenges to our goals and plans. This is the follicular cycle. During this phase follicles or eggs grow inside of the ovaries. Energy is still growing at this point and we should maintain our energy rather than use it up. Stretching and walking is needed rather than extreme workouts. We must now pursue our goals. We feel the energy of a young person at this time.

Full Moon is full of light. It is the peak of energy. This is the 3rd lunar phase. It is time of fulfilment. It highlights the progress of our goals and plans that we set during the new moon. It is clear what adjustments need to be made. It is connected to ovulation. Ovulation is when a follicle or egg is discharged and ready to be fertilized. It is said a 24-hour window is available to conceive a child. It occurs on day 14, 15 and 16 of our mynstrual cycle. We have the energy of a life giver. Our energy is focused on nurturing our family, home, and partner. We have energy to nurture others. We seek a partner to balance our energy.

Last Quarter Moon is when the moon is half empty and getting darker every day. The energy of this moon is outcomes and decline. This phase clarifies the outcome of the lunar month. It represents the outcome of your goals and plans. Known as luteal phase it is the week 4th week of our mynstrual cycle. we are in the decline point of our energy cycle. this time is associated with PMS. It is important to prepare for the release of our moon. The feelings and physical symptoms of this phase may occur during menopause. This time represents the harvest and realization of our healing powers. We enjoy the fruits of our life. We use our knowledge and wisdom of healing our elf from past pain to help heal others, it is said now we can become medicine people.


Ginger Dunnill